Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 245
Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Bissell
D.A. Baldwin

United States of America     State and City and County of
New York ss
		I John Bissell a Commissioner appointed 
by the Governor of the State of Florida, and under the 
laws of said with full power and authority to take acknow
ledgments or proof of all deeds or other instruments 
in writing depositions and other testimony &c &c in and 
for the State of New York, to be used in said 
State of Florida duly commissioned by said Governor 
and affirmed, and dwelling in the City of New York 
do by this public instrument given under my hand 
and official seal Certify and make known that on 
the 12th day of November one thousand eight hundred 
and forty six before me personally appeared in my 
State aforesaid Rufus Davenport 
the signer and sealer of the annexed instrument 
bearing date the 12th day of November 1846 who 
acknowledged the same to his own free act and deed for 
the uses and purposes therein mentioned
dated this 12th November 1846
John Bissell Commissioner for Florida   (L.S.)

			Recorded this 7th February 1848
					Rob't Youngblood

Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 10 December 2002
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