Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 024
 and the     Moses Elias Levy is also possessed of 
or entitled unto one undivided moiety or half  *** 
of and in several tract or parcels of ground in 
E. Florida aforesaid containing together about 
forty nine thousand eight hundred acres and 
herein after more particularly discribed, the whole 
of which property is subject to two different liens 
or Mortgages ( that is to say ) the undivided moiety 
of the twenty thousand acres and the and the forty nine 
thousand eight hundred acres last mentioned are 
subject to a certain lien or Mortgage thereon for 
the sum of about ten thousand dollars but of 
which said sum the said Moses Elias Levy is 
chargable with and liable to payment of above 
three thousand five hundred dollars after which 
the one undivided moiety of the twenty thousand 
acres and the forty nine thousand Eight hundred 
acres last mentioned together with the first men
tioned three parcils of land amounting to about 
fifty one thousand four hundred and fifty acres 
are subject to an additional lien or Mortgage un
der certain conditions for the additional sum of 
fifty thousand pounds Sterling english money 
will more fully appear by the mortgage deed execut
ed in Paris, the capital of France on the the
tenth day of January in the year one thousand 
eight hundred and twenty six by the said Mo
ses Elias Levy in favor of Serephina Chauveteau 
a widow and whereas the said Moses Elias Levy
being indebted to the said Joseph Delevante for 
the sum of two thousand one hundred and ** 
pounds Sterling proposes to secure the said 
debt with the payment of the anual interest 
of five per Ct. Per Annum and to which the said 
Joseph Delevante consents in the manner 
herein after contained Now this agreement 
witnesseth that for and in consideration 
of the sum of two thousand one hundred and
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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