Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 025
pounds Sterling to him the said Moses Elias Levy well 
and truly paid the Receipt whereof the said Moses 
Elias Levy doth hereby acknowledge and thereof 
and there from the same and every part thereof 
doth acquit release and discharge the said Moses 
Elias Levy hath granted bargained, sold and 
aliened released and confirmed and by these 
presents doth grant bargain, sell alien release and 
confirm unto the said Joseph Delevante his 
heirs and assigns forever, all those nineteen thousand 
two hundred acres of land being part and parcil of 
a certain tract of land situate and being in the 
County formally of St. Johns in East Florida afore
said in that part of this County Known as and 
now called the Alachua County which said 
tract of land was by grant bearing date the 
twenty second day of December One thousand 
eight hundred & seventeen granted by the Span
ish Government to Fernando dela Maza Arredondo 
son and Joseph Arredondo by the name and 
discription of Fernando Dela Maza Arredondo 
and Son, and by them granted and conveyed 
to the said Moses Elias Levy in and by a cer
tain Instrument bearing date the thirteenth day 
of July One thousand eight hundred & twen
ty four.  And all those other nineteen thousand 
two hundred acres of land and nineteenth 
part of and in a tract of land containing a
bout fourteen thousand five hundred acres sit
uate and being on the west side of the St. Johns 
River in East Florida aforesaid and to which 
the said Moses Elias Levy is entitled under and 
by virtue of a certain contract of agreement enter
ed into with the said Fernando Dela Maza 
Arredondo, But the conveyance hath not yet 
been made and executed, and also an un
divided moiety of and in twenty thousand acres 
of land part and parcil of a certain parcil
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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