Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 002
The payment of one half only  and whereas the said 
Moses Elias Levy having occasion for the sum of 
fifty thousand Frances money of France applied 
to and requested the said Seraphina Chaventeau 
to find and advance him the same which she 
has consented and agreed to do upon having the 
repayment of the same and Interest at the Rate 
of six per cent per anum secured to her in the 
manner hereafter contained -- Now this Inden
ture Witnesseth, that for and in consideration 
of the sum of Fifty thousand Frances money of France to 
him the said Moses Elias Levy, well and truly 
paid by the said  Seraphina Chaventeau at or 
before the sealing and delivery of these presents 
the Receipt whereof the said Moses Elias Levy 
hereby acknowledge and thereof and there
from and of and from the same and every 
part thereof doth acquit release ******** 
the said Seraphina Chaventeau her heirs exec
utors and administrators and every of *** 
these presents the said Moses Elias Levy Hath 
granted, bargained sold aliened released and 
confirmed, And by these Presents Doth grant 
bargain sell alien release and confirm unto 
the said Seraphina Chaventeau her heir & 
assigns forever all those nineteen thousand 
two hundred Acres of Land being part and 
Parcel of that certain Tract of land situate 
and being in the county of Saint Johns in East 
Florida aforesaid and in that part of the 
county Known as and usually called the 
Alachua County, which said Tract of land was 
by grant bearing date the twenty second day 
of December one thousand eight hundred and 
seventeen granted by the Spanish Govern
ment to Fernandes de la Maza Arredondo 
           and Joseph Arredondo by the 
name and discription of Fernandes de 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 21 September 2002
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