Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 029
paths passages, waters, water courses, profities commod
ities advantages privaleges heredetriments Rights 
members and appurtenances and the revision 
and revisions Remainder and Remainders 
Rents issues and profit
And also of and in four thousand acres of land 
situate on the River Saint Johns at a place 
called the English big Spring at about twen
ty five miles south of Saint Georges Lake in 
East Florida aforesaid, and one of a tract 
or parcil of land granted to Don Pedro Miranda by a 
consiscin arrogant bearing date on or about the 
sixteenth day of September one thousand 
eight hundred and seventeen made by the 
said Don Jose Coppinger and which were 
confirmed to the said Don Pedro Miranda 
by royal title of absolute grant bearing date 
on or about the eleventh day of April One 
thousand eight hundred and twenty one made 
also by the said Don Jose Coppinger which 
said four thousand acres of land were sold 
and transferred by the said Pedro Miranda 
to the said Jaun de Entralgo.  And of and in 
three thousand four hundred acres of land sit
uated or near the place called the English 
Big Spring in about twenty five miles south 
from St. Georges Lake on the River St. Johns 
in E. Florida aforesaid which said thee thou
sand four hundred acres are part and parcil 
of land granted to the aforesaid Don 
Pedro Merranda by the concession and 
Royal title made to the said Don Pedro 
Merranda as herein last before mentioned 
and which were sold and transferred by the 
said Pedro Merranda to the said Jaun de 
Entralgo.  And also of an in one other tract 
of Parcil of land containing one thousand
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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