Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 030
acres situate on the E. Side of the St. Johns River 
in East Florida aforesaid at a place called 
Rolls Town which said last mentioned Tract 
was granted to the said Juan D. Entralgo 
by a concession bearing date on or about the 
seventeenth day of December One thousand eight 
hundred and sixteen by the said Don Jose 
Coppinger ( which are referance to the said sev
eral concessions or grants in the Office of the 
public Archives of East Florida aforesaid now 
in the City of St. Augustine will more fully and 
at large appear .  And which said several 
tract or parcils of land containing in the whole 
forty nine thousand eight hundred acres 
were with the Appurtenances there unto belong
ing sold and conveyed by the said Don 
Juan de Entralgo to the said Moses Elias 
Levy by and Indenture bearing date the sixth 
day of August one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty four.  Together with all the crops 
and produce of the said several tracts or parcils of 
land and all of the slaves and personal property 
thereon.  And all houses and out houses Edifices Buil
dings trees woods, underwoods commons ways, 
paths, passages waters watercourses, profits 
commodities, advantages preveleges hereditriments 
Rights members and appurtenances, whatever to the 
aforesaid several tract pieces and parcels of 
land belonging or in any wise appurtening 
and the revision and revisions, remainder 
and remainders, Rents issues and profits 
thereof and of every kind of him the said 
Moses Elias Levy of in and to the said tracts 
parcils of land and premises herein before 
mentioned and intended to be hereby gran
ted and released and every of them and 
every part thereof.  To have and to hold 
the said several tract and parcels of land
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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