Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 031
and undivided moieties of tracts and parcil 
of land and premises herein before mentioned 
and intended to be hereby granted and rele
ased with their and every of their appurten
ances unto the said Joseph Delevante his 
heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless 
to the charge or incumberance herein before 
mentioned and also to the provisions condi
tions for the redemption of the said premises 
as herein after contained, provided allways and 
these presents are upon this condition and 
it is the true intent and meaning hereof and 
of the parties hereto that if the said Moses 
Elias Levy his heirs Executors and Administrators 
or assigns, do and shall from time to time on the fif
teenth day of September and on the fifteenth 
day of  March in each and every year during 
the space of six years from the day of the 
date hereof well and truly pay or cause to be 
paid to the said Joseph Delevante his heirs 
executors administrators or assigns at London 
in the County of Middlesix aforesaid with
out any deduction defalcation or abatement 
whatsoever interest on the said sum of two 
thousand one hundred and ten pounds 
Sterling at and after the rate of five per cent 
per annum and also shall and will on or 
before the fifteenth day of March which will 
be in the year one thousand eight hundred 
and thirty three well and truly pay or 
cause to be paid the full and whole sum 
of two thousand one hundred and ten pounds 
Sterling without and deduction or abatement 
whatsoever as before mentioned there and 
in such case the said Joseph Delevanta 
his heirs Executors Administrators and as
signs shall and will at any time or times 
after such payment being made as aforesaid
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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