Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 033
out any deduction or abatement as foresaid 
according to the true intent and meaning of 
these presents.  And also that he the said Mo
ses Elias Levy now is lawfully absolutely pos
sessed of or intitled unto the tract and parcels 
of land herein before mentioned and intended 
to be hereby granted and released ( subject as 
aforesaid) and now hath in him good rights 
full power and lawful and absolute author
ity to grant release and convey the same in 
manner and form aforesaid and according to 
the true intent and meaning of these presents 
and further that it shall and may be law
full to and for the said Joseph Delevante 
his heirs executors and assigns from and 
after default shall be made in payment of 
the sum of two thousand one hundred 
and ten pounds Sterling and interest at the 
rate and times aforesaid, Contrary to the form 
and effect of the aforesaid proviso and cove
nant for payment of the same peaceably and 
quietly to enter in or to have hold ocupy or pos
sess and enjoy all and singular the tracts 
and parcils of land hereby intended to be 
released and conveyed with appurtenan
ces and all and singular the slaves crops 
produce and property thereon found and 
take the Rents issues and profits thereof and 
of every part thereof to and for him and 
their own use and benefit.  And also 
in case default shall be made or hap
pen to be made in two half yearly pay
ments of Interest at the rate time and 
places aforesaid it shall and may be 
lawful for the said Joseph Delevante 
his heirs executors administrators and 
assigns immediately to demand pay
ment of the said sum of two thousand
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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