Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 034
one hundred and ten pounds Sterling and also 
interest then due thereon notwithstanding the 
term of six years for which the said sum 
of money is hereby intended to be advanced 
shall not be there expended or near expiring 
and in case of the non payment thereof to en
ter and take possession of the said tracts 
or parcils of land and premises in man
ner and form herein before mentioned and 
further that the said Moses Elias Levy 
his heirs and assigns and all every other 
person or person having or claiming any es
tate right title or interest on to or out of the 
said tracts of land and premises hereby inten
ded to be granted and released shall and 
will from time to time after default shall 
happen to be made in payment of the said 
sum of two thousand one hundred and 
ten pound Sterling and interest aforesaid 
Contrary to the true intent and meaning 
of these presents at the request costs and 
charges of the said Joseph Delevante 
his heirs executors administrators or assigns make 
do and execute or cause and procure to be made 
done and executed all and every such further 
and Other acts deeds conveyances and assuran
ces in law whatsoever for the further better more 
perfect and more absolute granting conveying 
assuring and confirming the said tract and 
parcils of land and promise with appurten
ances unto and to the use and behoof of the 
said Joseph Delevante his heirs and assigns 
as he or they or her or their Council in Law 
shall be lawfully advised devised or re
quired And it is also declared and 
agreed by and between the said parties of 
presents that untill default shall happen to 
be made in payment of the sum of two
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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