Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 035
thousand one hundred and ten pounds 
Sterling and interest or some part thereof con
trary to the intent and meaning of the aforesaid 
proviso and covenant for payment thereof it 
shall and may be lawfull for the said Moses 
Elias Levy his heirs and assigns peaceably and 
quietly to hold occupy possess and enjoy the 
same tract of land and premises and every 
part and parcil thereof and to Receive the 
Rents and issues thereof and profits for his 
and their own use and benifit without 
any let or denial whatsoever of him the said 
Joseph Delevante his heir or assigns or any 
other person or person whatsoever And further 
it is hereby also agreed and declared by 
and Between the said parties that whereas 
one of the considerations of the mortgage gran
ted by the said Moses Elias Levy to Seraphina 
Cheauveteau as aforesaid for the sum 
of fifty thousand frances as appears by the 
Indenture dated as aforesaid the thirteenth day 
of January one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty six is that at it shall and may be lawful 
for the said Moses Elias Levy to borrow and 
take up at interest any sum or sums of money 
not exceeding in the whole the sum of one hun
dred thousand in addition to the one borrowed 
of fifty thousand frances as aforesaid on the 
security of the said tracts of land and premi
ses hereby intended to be released and conveyed 
which securities or sureties when so executed 
shall rank with and be considered equal to 
the on granted as foresaid in favor of the
said Seraphina Chauventeau which shall 
enjoy no preferance or priority whatsoever 
over those which may thereafter be execu
ted as foresaid It is therefore Covenanted 
and agreed, Between the present and
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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