Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 003
la Maza Arredondo and Son  and by the 
said Fernandes de la Maza Arredondo and Son 
granted and conveyed to the said Moses Elias 
Levy in and by a certain Indenture bearing date 
the tenth day of July one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty four.  And all those 
other nineteen thousand two hundred acres 
of land and nineteenth part of and in a tract 
of land containing about fourteen thousand five 
hundred acres, situate and being on the west  
side of Saint Johns River in East Florida afore
said  and to which the said Moses Elias Levy is 
entitled to under and by virtue of a certain con
tract or agreement entered into with the said 
Fernandes de la Maza Arredondo and Fernando 
de la Maza Arredondo his son but the convey
ance of which have not been made and execu
ted ********* Also an undevided moiety of and in 
******** thousand acres of land part and parcil 
of a certain parcil of land containing of twenty 
five thousand acres which was originally granted 
to Philip R. Young by a concession or grant 
bearing date the eleventh day of February one 
thousand eight hundred and seventeen and
which were confirmed to the said Philip R. 
Young by a royal title in            Also 
*** property bearing date the twenty second day 
of February one thousand eight hundred seven
teen, which said concession and Royal Title were 
made under the authority of the King of Spain by 
Don Jose Copinger then Governor of East Florida 
eight thousand acres thereof being situate on the 
west side of a place called the Long Pond 
about forty miles south of Lake George on the 
west side of the River Saint Johns aforesaid  
  And twelve thousand acres Residue thereof 
being situate on the Lake named second and 
in the west side side of the said late in
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 21 September 2002
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