Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 040
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bar
gained sold alliened released Conveyed and con
firmed and by these presents doth grant bargain 
sell allien release convey and confirm unto the 
said party of the second part his heirs and assigns 
forever all that undivided fifth part of a tract 
of land Containing Two thousand five hundred 
acres, situate an the East side of the River Sa
wannee at the Crossing place thereof in the Coun
ty of Alachua bounded on the North by the 
Road which crosses the Sawannee at the Ferry on 
the East side by Vacant land on the south by a 
branch named Manama pohila and on the 
West by the aforesaid River Sawannee.  Together 
with all and singular the tenements hereditaments 
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise 
appertaining and also all the estate right and title 
interest dower property possession Claim and de
mand in law and in Equity of the said party of 
the first part of in and to the same and the re
vertion and revision remainder and remainders rents 
issues and profits thereof to have and to hold 
all and singular the herein before granted and 
released premises with the appurtenances unto the 
said party of the second part his heirs and assigns
or any of them shall well and truly pay unto the said 
party of the second part his Executors administrators 
or assigns the said sum of money mentioned in the con
dition of the said bond or Obligation at the time and 
in the manner therein specified according to the true 
intent and meaning thereof that then and from 
thenceforth, these presents and the estate hereby granted 
and every thing herein contained shall cease deter
mine and be absolutely void to all intents and purpo
ses and the said Isaac N. Cox for himself his 
heirs Executors administrators doth covenant grant 
promise and agree to and with the said party 
of the second part his heirs executors administrators
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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