Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 042
ensealing and delivery of these presents by 
the said party of the second part the receipt 
whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said 
party of the second part his heirs executors 
and administrators released and discharged 
from the same by these presents have granted 
bargained sold aliened remised released conveyed 
and confirmed and by these presents do grant 
bargain sell alien remise release convey and 
confirm unto the said party of the second part 
and to his heirs and assigns forever Al the 
undivided share or part equal to six thousand 
five hundred acres of land in that certain 
large tract containing two hundred and eigh
ty nine thousand six hundred and forty five 
acres and five sevenths of an acre of land 
or there abouts situate lying and being in Alachua 
in the teritory of East Florida granted to 
Don Fernando De La Maza Arredondo & Son 
by a grant bearing date a Havanna on or 
about the twenty eighth day of December in the 
year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
and seventeen the said six thousand five 
hundred acres being part or parcil of thir
ty thousand acres in said large tract granted 
and conveyed to the said Nathaniel Wells 
in his lifetime by the said Fernando De 
La Maza Aredondo & son by Burr H. Betts 
their Attorney duly constituted for that purpose 
by Letters of Attorney Recorded in the Office 
of Registry in and for the City and County 
of New York in ** 1 of Powers of Attorneys 
page 229 the 30th day of June 1821 -
Together with all and singular the tene
ments hereditaments and appurtenances 
whatsoever unto the said above mentioned and 
discribed premises in any wise appurtaining 
or belonging and the revision and revision
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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