Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 044
District of East Florida }
County of Saint Johns    }
			This Indenture made 
this thirteenth day of October in the year of Our 
Lord eighteen hundred and twenty seven between 
Peter Mitchel of the place aforesaid of the first 
part and Robert Mitchel of the City of Savannah 
and the State of Georgia of the second part   
Whereas the said Peter Mitchel stands justly 
indebted unto the said said Robert Mitchel in 
the sum of twenty thousand Dollars and in 
security for the payment of said late mentioned 
sum of money hath given his promissory note 
bearing bearing even date with these presents 
Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said 
Peter for and in consideration of the premises 
for the better securing the payment to the said 
Robert of the said above mentioned sum of money 
according to the tenor of said note and for the 
sum of one Dollar to him in hand paid 
by the said Robert at or before the sea
ling & delivery of these presents the receipt 
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted 
bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and 
by these presents doth bargain sell convey 
and confirm unto the said Robert his heirs ex
ecutors administrators and assigns all the 
right title interest and claim whatsoever of 
him the said Peter in and to all the real and 
personal property here in after set forth and des
ignated that is to say an undivided interest 
consisting of fourteen seventy seventh parts or 
shares of of that tract of land situate lying 
and being in Alachua County known by the 
name of the Arredondo Grant and which 
Originally granted on the twenty second 
day of December eighteen hundred and 
seventeen to Arredondo and son and the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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