Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 045
said grant containing four Leagues in **** 
of land to each point of the compass and center 
thereof is in Micanopy - Also all that house 
and lot of land situate in the City of 
St. Augustine on the west side of St. Georges 
Street by wich and the public square it is 
bounded on the East and on the North 
by Br*dy Creek and on the south by the house 
and lot belonging to Paul * Pemaull and 
the said house is occupied by the said Peter Mitchel 
and family and subject nevertheless to a Judgment 
and mortgage to (Recorded in the County) Francis 
R. Sanchez to secure the said Sanchez the pay
ment of three thousand and forty four Dollars 
as by Referance to said Mortgage on Record in 
the County Court of the County of St. Johns will 
more fully appear  - Also the following Negroes 
slaves to wit Milinda London Maria Corne
lia and her two children Jim and Jane together 
with the future issue and increase of the females 
of said slaves also one Piano  one Sopha   four 
Mahogana Tables   and the other household and 
Kitchen furniture in the Kitchen and house house 
ocupied as aforesaid by the said Peter also three 
hundred volumes of Books in said house.  Together 
with all and singular the houses out houses Ed
ifices buildings improvements herridetements 
and appurtenances to the said property apper
taining or belonging, the Remainder and 
remainders, revision and Revisions rents 
issues and profits thereof.  To have and to hold 
the above with the appurtenances unto him the 
said Robert Mitchel, his heirs executors admin
istrators and assigns forever upon condition 
Nevertheless and according to the intent of 
these presents that if the said Peter Mitchell 
his heirs Executors Administrators shall 
and do well and truly pay or cause to
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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