Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 046
be paid to the said Robert Mitchell the said 
sum of twenty thousand Dollars according to 
the time of said note of said Peter Mitchell on 
or before the first day of October next which 
shall be in the year of Our Lord eighteen 
hundred and twenty and twenty eight then 
these presents and every and every matter or 
thing herein Contained shall cease determine 
and be null and void Otherwise to re
main in full force and virtue.
   In witness whereof the said Peter Mitch
el hath here unto set his hand and seal the
day and year first above written 
Signed Sealed &
delivered in pre-	Peter Mitchel (Seal)
sance of
the word August 
interlined before
B.A. Pulman
Ann S. Pulman	This July 8th day 1828
			Willy Brooks Clk

Teritory of Florida }
Alachua County      } SS
			Be it Remembered that on 
the fifth day of November A.D. 1827 came before me 
the subscribing clerk of the County Court of the Coun
ty of St. Johns - Benjamin A. Pulman and 
made made Oath that Peter Mitchel signed 
sealed and delivered the above Deed of Mort
gage as for his Act and deed and for the pur
poses therein mentioned in his presance and also 
the presance of Ann S. Pulman and that the 
said Benjamin & Ann subscribed their names 
as witnesses thereto whereupon I have recorded 
the same, Witness my hand and off***** **** 
the date abovesaid 		S. Streeter
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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