Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 053
or in any wise appurtaining and the revision 
and revisions, remainder and remainders rents 
issues and profits thereof and also the estate 
right title interest claims and demands whatso
ever of him the said party of the first part with 
in law or Equity of in and to the above granted 
and bargained premises and every part and par
cil thereof   To have and to hold the aforesaid 
premises to the said party of the second part 
his heirs and assigns in Fee simple to the sole 
and only proper use benefit and behoof of the 
said party of the second part his heirs and as
signs forever, And the said John Rodman 
and his heirs the above discribed and hereby gran
ted and released premises, and every part part
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto 
the said party of the second part his heirs and 
assigns against the said party of the first part 
and his heirs against all and every person 
and person whomsoever lawfully claiming or 
to claim the same by through or under him the 
said John Rodman shall and will warrant 
and by these presents forever defend.
   In Witness whereof the said party of the 
first part hath set his hand and seal the 
day and year first above written.
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of		John Rodman (Seal)
B.A. Pulman

Teritory of Florida  }
County of St. Johns  }	SS
			Before me Elias B. 
Gould a Justice of the Peace in and 
for the County of St. Johns this 14th day 
of July 1828, personally appeared John 
Rodman who acknowledged that the 
within Deed was subscribed and
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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