Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 055
Teritory of Florida }
St. Johns County    }
		    This Indenture made this 
eleventh day of October in the year of Our Lord 
one thousand eight hundred and twenty six, Between 
John A. Carado of the first part and John G. Gary 
of the second part, both of the Teritory afore
said, Witnesseth that the said John A. Carado 
for and in consideration of the sum of Four hun
dred dollars to him in hand paid at and before 
the sealing and delivery of these presents, the rece
ipt whereof is here by acknowledged, hath granted 
bargained, sold and conveyed and by these pre
sents do grant bargain, sell and convey unto the 
said John G. Gary an undivided fourtieth part 
of forty thousand acres of land situate on the 
River Okelewassa in East Florida.  Which undi
vided fortieth part was conveyed by Joseph 
M. Arredondo to the said John A. Carado by 
deed of Indenture bearing date the twenty first day 
of February one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty five bounded as follows, east one hundred 
chains to a pine tree, thence south one hundred 
chains to a state, thence west one hundred chains 
to a palmetto tree, thence north one hundred chains 
to a stake, ceeding and transferring, the said un
divided fortieth part of the forty thousand acres 
of land unto the said John G. Gary his heirs 
and assigns forever, together with all and 
singular the right members and appurtenan
ces to the same in any manner belonging to his and 
their proper use and behoof forever.
     And the said John A. Carado for himself his 
heirs Executors & Administrators the said bar
gained premises unto the said John G. Gary 
his heirs and assigns, Will warrant and forever 
defend the right and title against him
self and themselves or any other person 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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