Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 058
part of the said James F. Symington estate right ti
tle interest property claim and demand in law and 
equity in and to all and singular the rights 
privaleges and appurtenances to the same belonging 
or in any wise appurtaining unto the said Walter 
Smith his heirs and assigns to his and their use and 
behoof forever.
 And the said James F. Symington for himself his 
heirs executors and administrators doth by these pre
sents covenant promise and agree to and with the 
said Walter Smith his heirs and assigns in manner 
and form following, that is to say that he the said 
Walter Smith his heirs and assigns shall and may 
from henceforth forever peaceably and quietly have 
hold use ocupy possess and enjoy the (one third) or 
undivided third part of said tract of land and 
premises with the appurtenances, with the let trou
ble hinderance or disturbance of the said James 
F. Symington or his heirs or any of them or any other 
person or person claiming from by or under him 
or them or any of them , and also that he the 
said James F. Symington or his heirs at the request 
and at the charge of the said Walter Smith his 
heirs or assigns shall and will from time to time 
and at all times hereafter make do execute ac
knowledge and deliver or cause to be made exe
cuted acknowledged and delivered unto the 
said Walter Smith his heirs or assigns all and 
every such further and other acts things deeds 
conveyances and assurances in the law for the 
better assuring the said Waters Smith his heirs 
and assigns of the One undivided third part 
of all the said James F. Symingtons estate, right 
title and interest in law and equity in and 
to the said tract of land and premises in man
ner as above conveyed or mentioned and intended 
to be conveyed as by the said Waters Smith 
his heirs or his or their counsel learned in the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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