Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 061
      This Indenture made the first day of 
November in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred twenty eight,
      Between Robert Brown of the City and State 
of New York Carpenter and Ann his wife of 
the first and Nehemiah Brush of the City and State 
aforesaid Phisician of the second part -
      Witnesseth, that the said Parties of the first part 
for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dol
lars lawful money of the United States of America to 
them in hand paid on or before the ensealing 
and delivery of these presents by the said 
party of the second part, the receipt where
of is hereby acknowledged and the said 
parties of the first part there with fully 
satisfied contented and paid, have remised 
released and quit claim, unto the said par
ty of the second, and to his heirs and as
signs forever, All that five hundred acre tract 
of land being parcil of a thirty thousand acre 
of land, which said thirty thousand acres of 
land is an undivided part of a certain great tract 
of land containing Two hundred and eighty nine 
thousand six hundred and forty two acres and five 
sevenths of an acre or there about, Situate lying 
and being in the Alachua Teritory East Florida west 
of St. Augustine here to fore granted by the Spanish 
Government to Don Fernandes de la Maza Arredon
do & son by grant bearing date at Havanna on 
or about the twenty eighth day of December in 
the year one thousand eight hundred and 
seventeen the said larger tract of two hundred 
and eighty nine thousand six hundred and 
forty five acres and five sevenths of an acre being 
hereafter to be divided into twelve parts and 
three parts to be balloted for by the parties inter
ested therein and a division to be made 
which said thirty thousand acres of land
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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