Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 063
these presents, that the said parties of the first 
part, have not made done committed executed 
or suffered any act or acts, thing or thing 
whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the said 
above mentioned, and released premises or any 
part or parcil thereof now nor, or at any time 
hereafter shall or may be impeached, charged or 
incumbered in any manner or way whatsoever.
     In witness whereof the parties to these pre
sents have here unto interchangeable set their hand 
and seal the day and year first above written
			Robert Brown (Seal)
			Ann Brown	(Seal)

City and County of New York
		On the Eighteenth day of 
November in the year of Eighteen hundred and 
twenty eight, before me personally appeared Robert 
Brown and Ann his wife satisfactory to me by the 
oath of John Leander Sinolla to be the same 
person described in and who executed the an
nexed Indenture and severally acknowledged 
the same to be their act and deed, and the 
said Ann being by me privately examined separ
ate and apart from her husband, acknowledged 
that she executed the same freely and Voluntarily 
without any fear or compulsion of her said husband 
and that with her own free will and consent re
linquished her right of dower in all the land 
described in the said Indenture, I allow the 
same to be recorded.  In witness whereof I have hereto 
     set my hand and seal, the day above mentioned
(Seal)	George Wash. Giles 
	Notary Public duly appointed for
	and residing in the City of New 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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