Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 066
the said five hundred acres of land was conveyed by 
Nathaniel Wells to the said Bun H. Betts in a Deed 
bearing date May twenty seventh in the year of Our 
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty 
three and the said thirty thousand acres of land 
out of which the said five hundred acres of land is 
to be taken, or of which it is an undivided part was 
heretofore conveyed by the said Don Fernando de la 
Maza Arredondo and son by Bun H. Betts by Bun H. Betts then 
attorney for the said Nathaniel wells by virtue of 
a power of Attorney bearing date the sixth day of 
June in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty one and recorded in the 
the Office of the Register in and for the City and 
County of New York in Set. 1 of Powers of Attorney 
and page two hundred and twenty nine the nine
teenth day of June 1821 as by referance to the 
said power of Attorney or to the Registering thereof 
will more fully appear.  To have and to hold 
the said released premises unto the said party of 
the second part his heirs and assigns to his 
own proper use and behoof forever, so that neither 
the said party of the first part his heirs and assigns 
nor any other person or persons in trust for him or 
in his name or names or in the name right or stead 
of any of them shall or will can or may by any 
ways or means, whatsoever, hereafter have claim or 
challenge or demand any right, title, interest or estate 
of in to or out of the said premises above discribed 
and hereby released and Quit claimed, but that 
he the said party of the first part his heirs & assigns 
and every of them from all estate right, title, in
terest, property claim and demand whatsoever of in 
to or out of the said premises or any part thereof 
are is and shall by these present forever excluded
	In Witness whereof the said party of the first 
part hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his 
seal the day and year above written
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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