Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 006
And also of and in a four thousand acres 
of land situate and being about five miles 
from Spring Garden in East Florida aforesaid 
which said four thousand acres of land together 
with the four thousand acres of land before men
tioned are part and parcils of a Tract or parcil 
of land consisting of ten thousand acres granted 
to Fernando de la Maza Arredondo by con
cession or grant bearing date the twentieth day 
of March one thousand eight hundred and 
seventeen and was sold and conveyed by 
the said Fernandes de la Maza Arredondo 
to the said Juan de Entralgo.  And also 
of and in four thousand acres of land sit
uate on the River Saint Johns at a place 
called the English Big Spring at about twenty 
five miles south from Saint George Lake in 
East Florida aforesaid and are part of a 
Tract or parcil of land granted to Don Pedro 
Mirando by a concession or grant bearing date 
on or about the sixteenth day of September one 
thousand eight hundred and seventeen  
made by the said Don Jose Coppinger and 
which was confirmed to the said Don Pedro 
Merrando by a Royal title or absolute grant 
bearing date on or about the eleventh day of 
April one thousand eight hundred and twenty one made 
also by the said Don Jose Coppinger which said 
four thousand acres of land were sold and 
transferred by the said Don Pedro Merrando the said 
Juan de Entralgo.  And also of and in three 
thousand four hundred acres of land situate 
at or near a place called the English Big Spring 
at or about twenty five miles south of Saint George 
lake on the River Saint Johns in East Florida 
aforesaid which three thousand four hundred 
acres are a part of a parcil of land of land 
granted to the aforesaid Don Pedro Mirando
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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