Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 076
remainders rents issues and profits thereof; and also all the Estate, right, title interest 
property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in Law as in 
Equity of the said parties of the first part of in and the same , and every part
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances , To have and to hold the above 
granted, bargained and described premises with the appurtenances unto the 
said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, to his and their own 
proper use benefit and behoof forever
		In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have 
hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written --
					William H. Wells (Seal)
Signed & delivered			Benjamin R. Wells
in presence of 				Cyntha W. Wells
   Daniel S. Tobias
   Eugine Reteltas
State of New York in the
United States of America	City and County of New York
Be it known, that on the fourth day of May A.D. 1827 Personally 
appeared before me, Daniel S. Tobias One of the subscribing Witnesses to the 
within Deed, proved to my satisfaction to be such person by the Oath of 
Eugene Reteltas, who being duly sworn by me did depose and say, that he 
was present, and did see the within named, William W. Wells, Benjamin R. 
Wells and Cynthia W. Wells execute the same as their Voluntary Act & deed 
for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that he knows them to be the
persons described in, and who executed the within Deed.
					Smith Thompson, one of the Judges of
					the Supreme Court of the United States
    Recorded this 9th day of May 1829	Wiley Brooks Clk by
						D.C. H. Sims D.C.  A.C.C.

Transcribed from the Original Book of Records page 107, 108 & 
109 - 12 June 1840
					James McNeill Clk
					County Court Alachua County
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 8 October 2002
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