Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 007
by the concession and Royal title made to the said 
Pedro Miranda as is herebefore last mentioned 
and which were sold and transferred by the 
said Pedro Merrando to the said Juan de 
Entralgo.  And also of and in one other 
tract or parcil of land containing one 
thousand acres situated on the East side 
of the Saint Johns River in east Florida 
aforesaid at a place called Rolls Town which 
said last mentioned tract was granted to the 
said Juan de Entralgo by a concession bearing 
date on or about the seventeenth day of Decem
ber one thousand eight hundred and sixteen 
by the said Don Jose Coppinger (which on reference 
to the said several concessions or grants in the Office 
of the Public Archives of East Florida aforesaid 
now in the City of Saint Augustine will more fully 
and at large appear) And which said several 
tracts or parcils of Land containing in the whole forty 
nine thousand eight hundred acres were with 
the appurtenances thereunto belonging sold and 
conveyed by the said Don Juan Entralgo to the 
said Moses Elias Levy by an Indenture bearing 
date the sixth day of August one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty four  together with all the 
crops and produce of the said Several Tracts or 
parcils of land and all of the Slave and personal 
property thereon and all Houses out Houses Edifices 
Trees Woods underwoods Commons Ways paths pas
sages, Waters Watercourses profits commodities advan
tages privaledges hereditaments rights members and 
appurtenances whatsoever to the aforesaid several 
Tracts pieces and parcils of Land belonging or in any 
wise appertaining whatever to the aforesaid several
tracts pieces and parcils of land belonging or
in any wise appertaining and the Reversion and 
Reversions Remainder and Remainders, Rents Issues 
and profits thereof and of every part and parcil
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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