Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 087
unto interchangeably, set their hands & seals, the day and year first above 
written                                         W.M. Gibson (Seal)
Signed Sealed & delivered
 in presence of 
The words Fernando are erasure at the 10th line, the words the same drawn
through at the 12th line & the words Don Jose de la Maza Arredondo interlined
between the 11th & 12th lines before signing
  12th Januy 18**                                 William Blagrove
A Grant of 40000
Acres of Land 	I don Enrique White, Brigadier General in the Royal Army, 
Governor for the Military, and Civil, departments of the Town of St. Augustine 
and Province of east Florida, and Subdelegate of the Royal Treasury therein 
appointed by his Majesty &c, Whereas Don Jose de la Mara Arredondo a subject 
of his Catholic Majesty, inhabitant and merchant of the Province aforesaid 
has presented to me a petition in due form, requesting that a grant be made 
unto him of Forty Thousand Acres of land, out of those which are not yet dis
posed of, and belong still to the King, in the place known by the name of 
Aquilibago, the boundaries, of them running along the shores of the river of 
the same name, to be held and possessed by him in full and absolute pro
perty for and in consideration of the distinguished and well known service 
he has rendered both personally and pecuniary to his Majesty during the several 
unlucky epochs, which have been constantly experienced in this part of his 
Dominions, he supported his said petition aleging in his favor the Royal 
order bearing date the twenty ninth of October One thousand seven hundred 
and ninety, transmitted, by the Captain General of the Island of Cuba and 
the two Floridas concerning of the serveying grates of the land granted to 
new settlers -- Wherefore and it being well known, all that he alduces in 
relation to his merits and commendable services, I have deemed it expedient 
to grant unto him, as in the name and in behalf of his Majesty, and by 
virtue of the royal authority which I enjoy, Do grant in full and absolute proper
ty the forty thousand acres of Land he asks for, to be had and held by himself his 
heirs and successors, without the necessity of any other title, Hereby declaring 
as I do declare, that the Royal Treasury, has no longer any right or claim to 
the said parcel of land as heretofore, and I do give up renounce & transfer 
unto the above mentioned Arredondo his heirs and successors all the right 
and title, that the said Royal treasury had thereon, in order that in conse
quence thereof, they may possess it, make use of and dispose of the same
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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