Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 088
as their own, without any incumbrance, together with all its interances outlets 
usage customs, which the same has had, at present has of right belong, or may 
in any way appertain to the same, and in case they should wish it, they may 
dispose of it either by sale, cession, transfer, or in any other manner, as the same may 
best suit their convenience, Each and every one of said acts being hereby 
confirmed, by virtue of the Sovereign Authority I am invested with, and in as 
much as I can and may do it according to Law, And for the purpose of giving 
these presents the greatest validity, and that the tenor thereof may always be 
evidence whensoever it should be required, let this present Original Document 
be Archived in the corresponding office, furnishing the grantee with the certified 
copies he may require in safeguard of his right - Given under my hand & 
seal, and countersigned by the Secretary to this Government and Subdelegate 
department of the Royal Treasury in the City of St. Augustine de la Florida the 
12th day of January Eighteen hundred and Eleven - Signed Enrique White - 
by order of his Lordship _ signed Tomas de Aquelar Secretary to the Govern
	I don Tomas de Aquelar, Secretary to the Civil and Military depart
ments of the Government and of the subdelegate department of the Regal Royal 
Treasury of the Town of St. Augustine province of East Florida, do certify in 
the best manner, that I can or must do the same, that this foregoing copy has 
been taken, word for word from the Original Document extant in the Office 
under my charge, and by virtue of the order of his Lordship the Governor of this 
place and province, I have given this present, sealed with the seal of this 
government - at St. Augustine de la Florida, on the thirtieth day of Janry 
Eighteen Hundred & Eleven Signed Tomas de Aquelar (L.S.) The foregoing 
is conformable to the Original at present extant in the archives, under the charge 
of Don Jose Seal to which to which I refer, and in obedience to the order aforesaid I give 
this present in the absence of said Seal, in the ever faithful City of Havanna 
on the eighteenth day of March eighteen hundred and nineteen
				A. Signet
					Signed Felipe Albarez
We the Notaries of our Lord the King, here undersigned & subscribed do certify and 
attest, that Don Felipe Albarez, by whom the foregoing Authentic Copy is authorized 
is a Notary public and one of those of the number of this City, and of the Royal College 
and that he exercises is office witha general satisfaction, and that to his the like acts 
and deeds, full faith and credit are had and given both judicially and Extrajudicially 
and at the request of the party concerned, we have given this present sealed with the 
seal granted to the Royal College of Notaries at Havanna, dated as above
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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