Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 089
(L.S.) A. Signet,     Signed 	Jouquin Aparico
				Jose Rodriguez
				Jaun de dios Corono
	C.		Translation
12th March 1819 a Grant    }
of ten miles to each point }	
of the compass		   } I Don Tomas de Aquelar, Secretary at Interim to 
                             Government of the Town of St. Augustine & Province 
of East Florida do Certify, that Don Fernando de la Mara Arredondo Jun’r 
Inhabitant and Merchant of said Town, having this day presented a mem
orial soliciting that for and cosideration of the services which both personally 
and pecuniary he has rendered to his Majesty in this same Town, then 
should be granted him in full and absolute property Ten miles to each point 
of the compass, out of land still unoccupied and belonging to the king in a 
place known by the name of Calosa Gachy in the Espiredar Santo, run
ning along the River called Manaty.  The Decree as follows was issued there
on to wit , The Merut and Commendable services rendered by the petioner 
being well known to this Government, I have deemed it expedient to grant 
unto him, as in the name and behalf of his Majesty.  Do grant in full and abso
lute property, for himself his heirs and successors, the above mentioned ten 
miles square of ground in the place designated by him, without it being 
required any other title, I herby delaring as I do declare, that the Royal 
Treasury, has no longer any right or claim to to the parcel of ground as here
tofore and i do give up and transfer unto the above mentioned arredondo, his 
heirs or successors, all the right and title that the said Royal Treasury had 
thereon, in order that in consequence, he or they may make use and enjoy the 
same as his or their own, without any incumbrance, together with all 
their enerances, outlets, usages, customs, and all their appendages which of 
right belong to the same, and for the security of the Grantee, and in order 
that this grant may at any time apear in due form, let the secretary to the 
Government furnish him with the correspondent Certificate thereon signed   
White -- In Compliance with the order contained in the foregoing superior 
decree, I have given this present at St. Augustine de la Florida on the second 
day of April eighteen hundred & nine, signed Tomas da Aquilar (L.S.)
The foregoing is conformable to its Original at present extant, among the records 
in the Archives under the charge of Don Jose Seal to which I refer and in 
Obedience to the order aforesaid, the said Seal being absent I have given this 
present, in the ever faithful city of Havannah on the eighteenth day of March 
Eigteen hundredd and nineteen A. Signet Phelipe Alvarez
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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