Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 090
We the Notaries of our Lord the King here undersigned & subscribed 
Do Certify and attest that Don Felipe Alavarez by whom the foregoing 
Authentic Copy is authorized is a Notary Public and one of those of the 
number of this City, and of the Royal College, and that he exercizes his office with 
general satisfaction and that to his the like acts and Deeds full faith & credit 
are had and given, both judicially and extrajudicially, and at the request 
of the party concerned, we have given this present - Sealed with our seals 
garnted to our Royal College of Notaries at Havanna dated as above
(L.S.)  A. Signet
Signed Jacquin da Aparico - signed Jose Rodriguez - signed Juan as dios 
 The undersigned Translator do Certify the foregoing, to be according to the 
best of my knowledge, a faithfull Translation, from the Original written in 
the Spanish Language to which I refer _ Mariano Velasquis de la Casina
New York
    July 19th AD 1825
	      5th April 1810      A.
A Grant of	      }      Translation
50,000 Acres of Land  }  I Enrique White, Brigadier General, in the Royal Army 
Governor for the Military and Civil department of the Town of St. Augustine and 
Province of east Florida, and subdelagate of the Royal Treasury therein appointed 
by his Majaesty &c Whereas Don fernando de la Maza Arredondo a 
subject of his Catholic Majesty, Inhabitant amd Merchant of the Province 
aforesaid, Indented to me yesterday a petition in due form requesting, that a Grant 
shall be made to him of fifty thousand acres of land, out of those which are not yet 
disposed of, and belonging still to the King, laying and situate, about forty miles 
to the west of the River San Jaun, their boundries begining near a small lake 
called La Chica and running up to the place caled Wallafote, including on 
the eastern side a place known by the name of Cascaeila to be held and possessed 
by him in full and absolute property, for and in consideration of the distiguished 
and well known services he has rendered both personally and pecuniarily to 
his Majesty, during the several unlucky circumstances under which this Pro
vince laboured; He supported his peteion alliging in his favour, the Royal 
Order, bearing date the twenty ninth of October One thousand seven hundred 
and ninety, transmited to this Government, by the Captain General of the Is
land of Cuba, and the two Floridas, relative to the granting of land Grates to 
the new Settlers, wherefore, and it being well known all that he adduced in rela
tion to his merits and commendable services, I have deemed it expedient to
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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