Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 091
grant unto him in the name and the behalf of his Majesty, and by virtue of the 
Royal Authority which I enjoy, Do grant in absolute property the fifty thousand 
acres of Land his asks for, to be had and held by himself his heirs & successors 
without the necessity of any other Title, Hereby declaring as I do declare, 
that the Royal Treasury, has no longer any right or claims to the said parcel 
of ground as heretofore, And i do give up, renounce and transfer unto the 
above mentioned Arredondo, his heirs and successors, all right and Title 
that the said Royal Treasury had thereon, in order that the consequence thereof 
that they may possess it and make us of and dispose of the same as their own 
without any Encumberance, together with all its entrances, outlets, usages, 
customs, which the same has had, at present pas, of right belong or may 
or may in any way appertain to the same, and in case they should wish it 
they may dispose of it, either by Sale, Cession transfer, or any other manner, as the 
same may best suit their Covinience, Each and every one of these Acts 
been hereby Confirmed, by virtue of the Soverign Authority I am invested 
with, and in as much as I can and may do according to Law.  And for the 
purpose of giving to these presents, the greatest Validity, and that the tenor there
of, may always evident, whensoever it should be required, let this present 
Original document be archived in the Corresponding Office, furnishing 
the Grantee, with the certified copies, he may require for the safeguard 
of his right; - Given under my hand & seal and countersigned by the 
Secretary of this Government, and subdelegate department of the Royal Treasury 
in the City of St. Augustine of east Florida, On the twenty fifth day of October
April Eighteen hundred and ten, Signed Enrique White - By order of his 
Lordship - signed Tomas da Aquilar Secretary to the Government.
		I Don Tomas Da Aguilar Secretary to the Government & of the 
Subdelegate department of the Royal Treasury of the Town of St. Augustine and 
Province of east Florida.  Do Certify in the best manner that I can or must do the 
same, that the foregoing copy, has been taken word for word from the Original 
document, and by virtue the order of his Lordship the Governor of this place
and Province.  I ahve given this present, Sealed with the seal of this Province
Government at St. Augustine de la Florida On the twenty fifth of April eigh
teen hundred and ten - Signed Tomas de Aguilar (L.S.)
		The foregoing is conformable to its Original at present extant in the 
Archives of th Notary Public Don Jose Seal, to which I refer: And in Obedience 
to the Order aforesaid, I give this present in the absence of said Seal, in the 
ever faithful City of Havanna on the 18th day of March Eighteen hundred & 
nineteen, A. Signet Signed - Felipe Albarcy
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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