Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 85
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Deed Record 85 Page 295
Dora L. Adams      }
     To            }  Revocation of Power of Attorney.
Mrs M.J. Patterson }
State of Florida} Know all men by these Presents: That I, Dora Adams
Alachua County  } widow of the State and County aforesaid in and by my letter
of attorney bearing date the 12th day of October AD 1911 did make constitute
and appoint Mrs M.J. Patterson of the same state and County my attorney as
by said letter more fully appears -
That I the said Dora Adams do by these presents annul, countermand revoke
and make Void said letter of Attorney and all authority and power thereby
given said Attorney M.J. Patterson.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of
November AD 1911
In Presence of us as Witnesses   }
 A.J. Da Costa                   }   Dora S. Adams (seal)
 J.R. Malphurs                   }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me, A.J. Da Costa a Notary Public personally
appeared Mrs Dora S. Adams to me well known who acknowledged
that she executed the foregoing revocation of Power of Attorney heretofore given
to Mrs M.J. Patterson.
Acknowledged and subscribed before me this 15th day of Nov AD 1911
(seal) A.J. Da Costa Notary Public }    Dora S. Adams
            Com Ex - Nov 11 - 1915 }
Filed Nov 15-1911                  S.H. Wienges Clerk
Recorded Nov 16-1911                pr E. Wimberly DC

American Tie & Timber Co. }
          To              }    Deed.
James B. Dell Jr.         }
State of New York   }
County of New York  }  This Instrument, made this 17th 
day of October 1911, by the American Tie & Timber company
a corporation under the Laws of Georgia, having its prin-
cipal office and place of business in Brunswick, in Glynn
County, State of Georgia, hereinafter called the first party
and James B. Dell, Jr. of Alachua County Florida, herein-
after called the second party.
  Witnesseth: That the said First Party, for and in
consideration of the sum of One Dollar, lawful money,
and other good and valuable consideration, in hand
Transcribed by Karen McColl 12 September 2023
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