Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 85
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Deed Record 85 Page 352
title and interest, whether of dower or of Separate property, statutory or equitable
in and to the lands therein described and that she executed said deed freely and vol-
untarily and without any constraint fear apprehension or compulsion of or from
her said husband -
Witness my Signature and official seal at South Jacksonville in the County of
Duval and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid -
(seal) H.J. Cassidy...  Public      (seal)  T. Williams  Notary Public
Filed Dec 11-1911                   S.H. Wienges  Clerk
Recorded Dec 12-1911                Per E. Wimberly DC

United States   }
 To             }  Patent
Wesley Harrison }         
The United States of America: To all to whom these presents shall come; Greeting
Homestead Certificate No 18433 }  
Application  31395             }  Whereas, There has been deposited in the 
General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land 
Office at Gainesville Florida whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of 
Congress approved 20th May 1862 "To secure Homesteads to Actual Settlers on 
the Public Domain," and the acts supplemental thereto, the claim of Wesley
Harrison has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law 
for the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty six in township ten
South of Range Seventeen East of the Tallahassee Meridian, in Florida, containing 
Eighty and eight hundredths acres - according to the Official Plat of the Survey 
of the said Land returned to the General^Office by the Surveyor General -
Now know Ye That there is, therefore, granted by the United States unto said 
Wesley Harrison the tract of land above described To Have and to hold the said 
tract of Land with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Wesley Harrison
and to his heirs and assigns forever - 
In Testimony Whereof I Theodore Roosevelt President of the United States of America 
have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be 
hereunto affixed
Given under my hand at the City of Washington the ninth day of August in the 
year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and seven and of the Independence of the 
United States the One hundred and thirty Second.
          (Seal)       By the President Theodore Roosevelt
                       By T.M. McKean Secretary
                       Fred Demett, Acting Recorder of the General Land Office
Recorded Miscellaneous, Vol 628 Page 64
Filed Dec 12- 1911                    S.H. Wienges  Clerk
Recorded Dec 12 - 1911                Per E. Wimberly DC

[Part SEC26 TWP10 R17]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 June 2019
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