Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 85
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Deed Record 85 Page 394
seals on the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in }
presence of us as witnesses.    }  Lydia Parker  (Seal)
  Lena Hope                     }
  J.H. Dyess                    }
State of Florida }
  Alachua County }  I hereby Certify that, before
me personally appeared Mrs Lydia Parker to me
well known and known to me to be the identical
persons in and who executed the above deed and
acknowledged before me that she executed the same
for the purpose therein expressed.
Acknowledged and subscribed before
me this 4th day of Feb. 1911 }
       J.H. Dyess            }        Lydia Parker
(Seal) Justice of the Peace  }
                                    S.H. Wienges Clerk
  Filed and Recorded Jan 13th 1912. By Mattie Boulware DC

  P.H. Baker  }
      To      }     
G.A. Wiggins  }     Deed
This Indenture, Made and entered into on this
7th day of February AD 1911, between P.H. Baker
and his wife Leonilla Baker of Alachua County,
Florida, parties of the first part, and G.A. Wiggins
of Alachua County, Florida, party of the second
part, Witnesseth:  That the said parties of the
first part for and in consideration of the sum
of Twenty-five dollars, and other valuable con-
siderations, to them in hand paid by the party of
the second part, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, has bargained, sold transferred and
conveyed unto the party of the second part, his heirs
and assigns forever, that certain lot, tract or parcel
of land situated in Alachua County, Florida
to-wit:  Commencing at the South East corner of
the South East Quarter of South West Quarter of
Section Four (4) Township Ten (10) Range Twenty-
Two (22) run West 960 feet to a corner thence
North 574 feet to a corner Thence East


Transcribed by Karen McColl 2 April 2024
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