Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 85
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Deed Record 85 Page 406
examination taken and made by me - apart from
her said husband, did acknowledge before me that
she made herself a party to said deed and executed
the same freely and voluntarily and without fear
apprehension compulsion or constraint of or from
her said husband. Acknowledge and subscribed before
me this 12th day of Dec 1911
       R.G. Zetrouer                      }  E.E. Cannon
(Seal) Notary Public State of Fla at Large}  Susan L. Cannon
       my commission expires June 7th 1913

Filed January 16th 1912          S.H. Wienges  Clerk
Recorded January 17th 1912    By Mattie Boulware  DC

Wm T. Chestnut and Wife  }
           To            }  Warranty Deed
Mrs. Alexina J.C. Holmes }
The State of Florida   }
        Alachua County } Know All Men By These Presents
That We William T. Chestnut and Edna U. Chestnut
"Husband and Wife" of the City of Gainesville and of the
aforesaid County and State, for and in consideration
of One (1) Dollar and other valuable considerations to us
in hand paid by Mrs Alexina J.C. Holmes of the City
of Charleston, State of South Carolina, the receipt where-
of We do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained,
sold and conveyed, and by these Presents do grant bar-
gain, sell and convey unto her the said Mrs Alexina
J.C. Holmes all that certain lot, piece, tract or parcel
of land situated, lying and being in the City of Gaines-
ville County of Alachua, State of Florida, particularly
known and described as follows, to wit.
Commencing at the North West Corner of the lot here-
tofore sold by Thompson and Sanchez (being East of
Sweet Water Branch) in the Thompson and Sanchez five (5)
acre tract") to B.P. Richards and running South One
Hundred and Fifty Seven (157) feet and Eight inches to
the South West corner of said Richards lot: thence run
North 84° and 39' West Seventy and 31/100 feet; and thence run
North One Hundred and Fifty four and 55/100 feet to the South
line of Liberty Street (or Alachua Avenue) and thence run
East along said South line of said Street Seventy feet
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 January 2015
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