Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 012
State of Florida   } SS
County of Nassau   }
On this day personally appeared before me Jackson
Mizell, wife known to me to be the President of
The Fernandina Dock and Realty Company, and
acknowledged the execution of the foregoing convey-
ance & instrument of Writing by her as President
in the name of said Company, as the free act
and deed of said Company and that he caused
the Corporate seal of Said Company to be hereto
Witness my hand and official seal at Fernan-
dino this 19th day of August AD 1912
                        Lewis G. Thompson (Seal)
          (Seal)        Notary Public State of Florida
                        at Large
Filed and Recorded August 24th 1912
                              S.H. Wienges Clerk
                            By Mattie Boulmare DC

Primus Walker  }
     To        }   Deed.
J.B. Howard    }
State of Florida
Alachua County.
               This Indenture, Made this 22nd day
of August 1912, by and between Primus Walker,
Widower, individually, and Primus Walker, as
Guardian of the Estate of Adelbert L. Walker, Minor,
hereinafter referred to as the first party, unto
J.B. Leonard, of Alachua County, Florida hereinafter
referred to as the second party. Witnesseth -
That Whereas, C.L. Bellamy, formerly of Alachua
County, Florida, heretofore deed seized and possessed
of the lands hereinafter described, and left sur-
viving her as her only heir at law, Viola Walker
and Whereas hereafter, and before the date hereof
The said Viola Walker, died seized and processed
of said lands and left surviving her as her
only heirs at law. the said Primus Walker, her
Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 July 2023
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