Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 023
and purposes therein set forth and contained.
And the said Mrs. Ruth Wilson the wife of the
said William N. Wilson upon an examination
taken and made by me separately and apart
from her said husband, did acknowledge before
me that she made herself a party to said deed
and executed the same freely and voluntarily
and without compulsion, constraint, apprehension or
fear of or from her said husband.
Acknowledged and subscribed    }
before me this 8th day of June }  W.W. Hampton Jr
1912.                             Notary Public State of
  (Seal)                          Florida at Large. My
                                  Com Expires Sept. 10th 1913
  Filed August 28th 1912
  Recorded August 29th 1912      S.H. Wienges Clerk
                                  By E. Weir DC

  Belle Lancaster & husband }
          To                }    Warranty Deed
    L.L. Taylor             }
This indenture, made this 21th day of August
AD 1912, Between Belle Lancaster and husband
W.L. Lancaster of the County of Alachua and
State of Florida parties of the first part, and L.L.
Taylor of the County of Lafayette and State of Flor-
ida party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the
said parties of the first part, for and in consideration    
of the sum of Three hundred and no/100 Dollars,
to them in hand paid, the receipt Whereof is
hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained,
sold and transferred, and by these presents does
grant, bargain, sell and transfer unto the said
party of the second part and their heirs and ass-
igns forever, all that certain parcel of land ly-
ing and being in the County of Alachua Flor-
ida more particularly described as follows: Lot
six (6) in Block Ten (10) in the Town of Trenton
as her, recorded platt of said Town. Together 
with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurten-
Transcribed by Karen McColl 25 May 2023
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