Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 037
A.C. Faughman
H.A. Renfroe
State of Florida }ss.
County of Duval  }
I Hereby Certify that, before me, an Officer duly
qualified to administer oaths and take acknowledg-
ments, on this day personally appeared N.G. Wade
to me well know to be the person described in
and who executed the foregoing Power of Attorney and
acknowledged that he executed the same freely and
voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed.
Witness my hand and official seal, this 30 day of
July, AD 1912.
 (Seal)                 W.E. Bell
                     Notary Public State of Florida.
                     My Commission expires Feb 16, 1913
  Filed and Recorded Sept. 3, 1912
                                 S.H. Wienges Clerk
                                 By E. Weir DC

Grant Minnich   } 
    To          }   Quit Claim Deed.
Mary Bell Agin  }
This Indenture, made this-day of August, AD
1912, between Grant Minnich of the County of Clarke,
and State of Ohio, party of the first part, and Mary
Bell Agin, of the County of Alachua and State of
Florida, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that
the said party of the first part, for and in consid-
eration of the sum of one ($1.00) and other good and
valuable considerations, Dollars, in hand paid by
the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and
quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release
and quit-claim unto the said party of the second
part, and her heirs and assigns forever, all the right,
title, interest, claim and demand which the said
party of the first part have in and to the following
described lot, piece of parcel of land, to wit: One
acre and 23 square poles off the south side of Lot
eight in Block One in Ambrose Addition to the town
Transcribed by Karen McColl 18 July 2023
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