Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 044
severally acknowledged the execution of said deed
for the uses and purposes therein set forth and con-
tained, and the said Mrs. Willie A. Stringfellow
the wife of the said F.B. Stringfellow upon an ex-
amination taken and made by me separately and
apart from her said husband, did acknowledge
before me that she made herself a party to said
deed and executed the same freely and voluntarily
and without compulsion, constraint, apprehension or
fear of or from her said husband.
Acknowledged and subscribed before me
this 31 day of Aug 1912              }
(Seal) W.S. Brown                    } T.B. Stringfellow
       Notary Public                 } Willie A. Stringfellow
      my Com Ex 12/8/12              }
Filed Sept 4 - 1912
Recorded Sept 5 - 1912
                        S.H. Wienges Clerk
                        By E. Weir DC

  O.H. Thomas & wife    }
  R.W. Thomas & wife    }
      To                }  Warranty Deed.
  Rebecca Poole      }
The State of Florida,}
Alachua County       } Know all men by these presents
That O.H. Thomas and Ida M. Thomas his wife,
and Ralph W. Thomas and Constance E. Thomas, his
wife of the aforesaid County and State, for and in
consideration of Twenty five and 00/100 Dollars, to
them in hand paid by Rebecca Poole of the County
of Alachua in the State of Florida the receipt whereof
they do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained,
sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant,
bargain, sell and convey unto her the said Re-
becca Poole all that certain lot, piece, tract or par-
cel of land situated, lying and being in the Coun-
ty of Alachua, State of Florida, particularly known
and described as follows, to-wit: The North half
of the half acre in the North east corner of the
four acre tract of land heretofore sold to Mary
Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 July 2023
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