Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 053
same at the time and place, in the manner and
for the uses and purposes therein expressed and
contained, and the said Estelle V. Pound, wife
of the said E.H. Pound upon an examination
taken and made by me separately and apart
from her said husband acknowledged that she ex-
ecuted the same without the last compulsion, con-
straint, apprehension or fear of or from her said
husband; and that the same was executed by her
freely and voluntarily.
Witness my hand and Official Seal on this 3rd
day of September, AD 1912
                     Geo W. Smith  (Seal)
                    Notary Public State of Florida at Large
                    My Commission Expires: June 26th
Filed and Recorded Sept 6 - 1912
                             S.H. Wienges Clerk
                              By E. Weir DC

   Ida D. Williams  }
       To           }  Warranty Deed.
   Henry N. Le Roy  }
State of Florida, }
Alachua County.   }  Know all men by
these presents: That I, Ida D. Williams of the 
aforesaid County and State, for and in consider-
ation of the sum of one & no/100 Dollars, to me
in hand paid by Henry N. Le Roy of the
County of Alachua, in the State of Florida, the
whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have granted,
bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these
Presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey
unto him the said Henry N. Le Roy, all that
certain lot, piece, tract or parcel of land situat-
ed, lying and being in the County of Alachua,
State of Florida, particularly known and describ-
ed as follows, to-wit:  All that portion of lot
one (1) in Block one (1), Olmsted Survey, owned
by the late F.E. Williams, except that part
of said lot later Deeded to one Mrs. Jessie Mc
Transcribed by Karen McColl 23 August 2023
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