Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 89
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Deed Record 89 Page 076
and without any constraint, fear, apprehension or
compulsion of or from her said husband.
Witness my signature and official seal at 17
Battery Place City of New York in the County of
New York and State of New York the day and
year last aforesaid.
                      Oakley Wood (Seal)
                        Notary Public
                         New York County

Filed and Recorded Sept 16th 1912
                              S.H. Wienges Clerk
                          By Mattie Boulware DC

   Alice Matott, (widow) }
           To            }   Deed.
   P.S. Delany           }
This indenture made this 10th day of Sept 1912,
by Alice Matott, Widow, of the County of Sanga-
mon, State of Illinois (formerly of Alachua County
Florida), the widow and sole surviving heir at
law of Ervin Matott, deceased, hereinafter called
the first party, unto Philip S. Delaney of Jackson
County, Missouri, second party. Witnesseth that
the said first party for and in consideration of
the sum of one dollar ($1.00) to her in hand, paid
by the second party, at and before the ensealing
and delivery of these presents, the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained,
sold, conveyed, confirmed, released, remised, and
quit claimed and by these presents does grant, bar-
gain, sell, convey, confirm, release, remise and
quit claim unto him the said party of the second
part, his heirs and assigns forever, all the
estate, right, title, claim and demand of which
the said Ervin Matott died seized and possessed
of in and to the following described land
situated in Alachua County, Florida, to wit: -
Commencing at the North east corner where Vic-
toria Avenue crosses Belvedere Avenue, thence North-
erly along Victoria Avenue six hundred and
Transcribed by Karen McColl 1 August 2023
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