Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 123
called the grantors, to Mrs. Sallie Mildred Hodges of the coun-
ty of Alachua State of Florida hereinafter called the grantee.
Witnesseth, That the said grantors, in consideration of One Hundred
and Fifty 00\100 Dollars, the receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledg-
ed, do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, enfeoff,
convey and confirm unto the said grantee, and her heirs and
assigns, in fee simple, the lands situate in Alachua County,
State of Florida, described as follows:
Part of Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred and Six (106) in Foster's
Addition to the town of High Springs, and more particularly
described as: Beginning at the North East corner of said lot One
(1) and running thence South One Hundred feet (100); thence west
One Hundred feet (100), thence North One Hundred feet (100), and
thence East One Hundred Feet (100) to the point of beginning.
To Have and to hold the same together with the hereditaments
and appurtenances, unto the said grantee, and her heirs and
assigns in fee simple and the said grantors for themselves and
their heirs, legal representatives, covenant with said grantee,
her heirs, legal representatives and assigns: That said grantors
are indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that said
grantors have full power and lawful right to convey said
land in fee simple, as aforesaid; that it shall be lawful for
said grantee, her heirs, legal representatives and assigns, at all
times peaceably and quietly to enter upon, hold, occupy and
enjoy said land; that said land is free from all encumbran-
ces, that said grantors, their heirs and legal representatives, will
make such further assurances to perfect the fee simple title to
said land in said grantee, her heirs, legal representatives and as-
signs, as may reasonably be required; and that said grantors do
hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend
the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
Witness the hands and seals of said grantors the day and year
first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of
W.M. Archibald      }  Sara Appel (Seal)
W.B. Romedy         } Sole heir of Pauline Levy (Seal)
                      Henry G. Appel       (...)
State of Florida,  }
County of Duval.   }
I Hereby certify That on this day personally appeared before me,
Transcribed by Karen McColl 7 June 2023
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