Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 221
said E.E. Cannon upon an examination taken and made by
me separately and apart from her said husband did acknowledge
before me that she executed said deed freely and voluntarily and
without any compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or
from her said husband
Acknowledged and subscribed before me        }
this 20th day of February AD 1914            }  E.E. Cannon
((Seal))    J.W. Patton                      }  S.F. Cannon
         Notary Public State of Florida      }
      My Commission Expires December 14 1916 }
  Filed Feby 28 1914    }
  Recorded Feby 28 1914 } S.H. Wienges Clerk

T.B. Ellis Jr. as special   }
Master in Chancery          }
          To                }    Deed.
H.A. Pickett                }
This Deed, Made the 2nd day of March, 1914, by and be-
tween T.B. Ellis, Jr., as Special Master in Chancery, first
party, and H.A. Pickett, of Alachua County, Florida, second
part, Witnesseth: That Whereas, on the 24th day of April, 1913,
a final decree was made and rendered by the Circuit Court
in and for the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and
for Alachua County, in Chancery Sitting; in a certain cause
therein pending Wherein H.A. Pickett was complainant and
Dave Davis and Amelia Davis, were defendants, wherein and
whereby, among other things, it was ordered, adjudged and
decreed that the property herein after described be sold by the
first part, as Special Master in Chancery, to satisfy the
said decree and costs, after first giving public notice of the
time and place of such sale by publication in a newspaper
published in Alachua County, Florida; once a week for four
consecutive weeks, as will by the said decree recorded at page
191 of Judgment Book # 15, of the public records of said Coun-
ty, more fully appear, and whereas, pursuant thereto, the
first part, did give notice of sale there of by publication
in the Gainesville Sun, a newspaper published at Gain-
esville, in Alachua County, Florida, in the regular is-
sues thereof dated and issued January 28th, February 4, 11,
18th and 25th, 1914 to be had before the Court House
Door in Gainesville, Florida, between the legal hours of
Transcribed by Karen McColl 27 March 2024
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