Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 222
sale of Monday, March 2, 1914, and Whereas, at the time and
place so advertised, the first party offered the said property
for sale at public outcry, and at the said sale at the time
and place aforesaid, the second party was the highest and
best bidder therefor, his bid being the sum of $ 135.00 and
that being the highest sum bidden therefor, Therefore, in con-
sideration of the premises, and the said sum of One Hundred
Thirty Five Dollars ($135) so bid by the second part, and
in hand to the first party paid at and before the enseal-
ing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the
first party does hereby acknowledge, the said first party
has bargained, sold, enfeoffed, remised, aliened and conveyed
unto the said second party, his heirs and assigns forever,
in fee simple, all the following described lands, situated,
lying and being in Alachua County, Florida, to-wit: -
Lot No. One (1), or the fractional North East quarter of Sec-
tion thirty four (34) of township ten (10) south, range eight-
een (18) east, containing forty seven (47) acres of land, more
or less. Together with all and singular the tenements, hered-
itaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any-
wise appertaining. To Have And to Hold the same unto
him, the said second party, his heirs and assigns forever,
as fully as the first part, as Special Master in Chancery
as aforesaid, can convey the same. And the first party
does covenant and agree to and with the second party
that he has, in all respects in and about the said sale
conformed to and complied with the Order and decree of
the said Court.
In Witness Whereof, the first party has hereunto set his hand
and affixed his seal on this the day and year first a-
bove mentioned:
Signed, sealed and delivered
in our presence as witnesses: -
Elise Weir                      } T.B. Ellis Jr.
A.J. Da Costa                   } As Special Master in Chancery
State of Florida.  }
Alachua County.    }
Before me personally came and appeared T.B. Ellis, Jr. to
me well known, who acknowledged to and before me that
he did, as Special Master in Chancery, execute the foregoing
deed for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed.

[PART SEC34 TWP10 R18]
Transcribed by Karen McColl 12 March 2024
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