Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 291
I an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of
deeds, hereby certify that William A. Bell is
personally known to me to be the individual descri-
bed in and who executed the foregoing instru-
ment and that said individual this day acknowl-
edged before me that he executed said instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal this 13th day
of April, AD 1914, at Miami, in said County and
       (Seal)    M.F. Freeman
             Notary Public State of Fla. at Large
             My Com. expires Oct. 27, 1915.
Filed April 16th 1914,
Recorded April 21st 1914.
                             S.H. Wienges Clerk
                            By C.E. Wienges DC

    O.G. Gorman      }
        To           }          Quit Claim Deed
    Martha Humphries }
This Indenture, Made this 17th day of March AD
1914, between O.G. Gorman of the County of Alachua
and State of Florida, party of the first part, and Mar-
tha Humphries of the County of - and State of Flor-
ida, party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the
said party of the first part, for and in consideration
of the sum of One dollar and for a division or her
portion in the Humphries Estate in hand paid by
the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and
quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release
and quit-claim unto the said party of the second
part, and her heirs and assigns forever, all the
right, title, interest, claim and demand which
the said party of the first have in and to the fol-
lowing described lot, piece of parcel of land,
to-wit: The South East quarter of Lot (57) fifty
seven of the Stoughtons Addition to the Town of
Micanopy Fla. in Section twenty six (26) of Town
ship (11) Eleven, Range 20 Twenty, To Have And To Hold

[PART SEC26 TWP11 R20]
Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 October 2023
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