Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 311
County of Allegheny in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the same
being a Court of Law and Record, do by these presents Certify
that Sue B. Fritz before whom the foregoing acknow
ledgement was taken and who has hereunto, in her own
proper handwriting subscribed her name, was at that time and
is a Notary Public in and for said County of Allegheny duly
commissioned and sworn, and authorized by law of the Common
-wealth of Pennsylvania to take affidavits and acknowledgments
of deeds for lands and Real Estate in said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and to all whose acts as such due faith and credit are, and of right
ought to be given throughout the United States and Elsewhere,
And further, I am acquainted with her handwriting and verily
believe her signature thereto to be her genuine signature,
I further Certify that the foregoing acknowledgement was
taken in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of the Court at Pittsburgh this 20th
day of April AD 1914
        (seal)  William H. Coleman, Clerk
Filed for Record Apl 23rd 1914 and Recorded April 25th 1914
                            S.H. Wienges  Clerk
                           By A.J. DaCosta DC
H.T. Turner  }
    to       } Warranty Deed
L. Roundtree }
             This Indenture made this 30th day of April 1913
Between H.T. Turner of the County of Alachua in the State of
Florida party of the first part Lavinia Roundtree of
the County of Alachua and State of Florida party of the second part
Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration
of the sum of 275 Dollars to him in hand paid by the said
party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
has granted bargained and sold to the party of the second part
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted, bargained
and sold to the said party of the second part her heirs and
assigns forever the following described lots pieces parcels
or tracts of land situated and being in Alachua County Florida towit:
Commencing at the NE corner of SW4 of SW4 Sec 33 Tp 8
R 17 E, Thence East to Rileys Land, Thence North 940 feet
thence West to East line of School lots Also Church lot thence

[Part SEC33 TWP8 R17]
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 June 2018
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