Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 368
ing and relinquishing her dower, or right of dower, in and
to the lands, tenements and hereditaments therein described and
thereby granted and released, and that she executed said Deed
freely, and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or
fear of or from her said husband.
Witness my hand and seal at Judson, the date aforesaid.
                         R.S. Tucker (Seal)
                          Notary Public
                          My Commission Expires
                           Feby 27, 1915.
Filed May 11th 1914
Recorded May 12th 1914
                          S.W. Wienges Clerk
                           By E. Weir DC

L.E. Story & Wife      }
       To              }  Warranty Deed.
Chas. A. Valentynovicz }
The State of Florida,  }
Alachua County.        }
Know all men by these presents That I L.E. Story and Eva
May Story (Husband and Wife) of the aforesaid County and State,
for and in consideration of Six Hundred Fifty and No/100 (650.00)
Dollars, to them in hand paid by Charles A. Valentynovicz of
the County of Alachua in the State of Florida the receipt where-
of they do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, sold
and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and
convey unto him the said party all that certain lot, piece, tract
or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the County of
Alachua, State of Florida, particularly known and described as
follows; to wit: beginning at a point 210 feet from the South
East corner of Green and Warren Sts, and running South
on East side of Green Street, 350 Feet to fence, Thence running
East parallel with Lewis Street 450 Feet: Thence running North
350 Feet: Thence West Parallel with Warren Street. 420 Feet to start-
ing point.
Also another Lot being described as one acre Fronting on Green Street
105 Feet, and running back East 420 Feet. Being the second
acre Lot South of Warren Street, and on the East side of Green
Street, as per plat of Windsor-cont'g in all 4 1/2 acres, more or less.
Lying and being in Section Two (2) Township Ten (10), Range

Transcribed by Karen McColl 14 November 2023
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