Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 382
known to be the persons described in and who ex
ecuted the foregoing conveyance to E.W. Millican as
trustee and severally acknowledged the execution
thereof to be their free act and deed for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned: Witness my signature
and official seal at Waldo in the County of Alachua
and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid.
            (seal)   T.B. Tillis
                    Justice of the Peace
 Filed and Recorded May 14th 1914.
                                S.H. Wienges  Clerk
                               By C.E. Wienges DC

   W.A. Haile et ux }
     To             }  Warranty Deed
   Grace E. Haile   }
This indenture, made this 4th day of May 1914, between
W.A. Haile and wife Bessie Haile of the County of Alachua
in the State of Florida parties of the first part and Grace
E. Haile of the County of Alachua in the State of Florida
party of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said parties
of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
Ten dollars, to them in hand paid by the said party of the
second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
has granted, bargained and sold to the said party
of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, the fol
lowing described lots, pieces, parcels or tracts of lands,
situated and being in Alachua County, Florida, to-wit:
Commence at NE Corner of Section 22 in Tp 9 S of
Range 18 East Thence West on Section line 15.37 chains
Thence South 12.21 chains, Thence East 16.37 chains Thence
North 12.21 chains to Section line. Thence West one (1) chain
to beginning, all in Arredonda Grant, This deed is exec
uted to take the place of a deed between same parties
Executed in 1909 and lost before recording. To have and to
hold the above described premises, together with all
and singular the tenements, the hereditaments and appur
tenancies to the same belonging or in any wise appurta-
ining, unto her the said party of the second part,
heirs and assigns forever. And the said parties of

[Part SEC22 TWP9 R18]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 June 2020
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