Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 391
Master in said cause levied upon, advertised and sold the proper-
ty hereinafter described to the said E.L. Harris, at and for the sum
of $ 75.00. And whereas, said decree authorized and empowered me
to make, execute and deliver to the said purchaser a good and suf-
ficient Master's Deed; Therefore; for and in consideration of the prem-
ises, and under and by virtue of the said Final Decree of Fore-
closure, I, W.W. Hampton, Jr., as Special Master in Chancery, have
sold, aliened and conveyed, and by these presents do sell, alien and
convey unto the said E.L. Harris, and to her heirs and assigns,
all the right, title, interest, claim and demand of the said James
Nelson, and Janie Nelson, his wife, in and to the following describ-
ed real estate situated, lying and being in the County of Alachua,
State of Florida, and described as follows, to-wit: - N.W. 1/4 of SE 1/4
of Section 20 Township 8 South, Range 17 East, containing by esti-
mation forty acres of land, more or less. To have and to hold the
above granted and described property and every part and parcel
thereof unto the said E.L. Harris and to her heirs and assigns
forever in fee simple.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
the 16 day of May, AD 1914.
Signed; sealed and delivered in the
presence of us as witnesses.
K.B. Dial            }  W.W. Hampton Jr. (Seal)
W.L. Hill            } As Special Master in Chancery.
State of Florida, }
Alachua County.   }
Before me personally appeared W.W. Hampton, Jr., to me well known
and known to be the identical person described in and who
executed the above and foregoing instrument, and who acknowl-
edged before me that he signed, sealed and delivered the said
deed at the time and place, and in the manner and capacity
therein set forth, and for the uses and purposes therein set
forth and contained:
Witness my hand and notarial seal this the 16th day of May,
AD 1914.
                      (Seal) K.B. Dial
                      Notary Public, State of Florida at Large.
                      My Com. Expires Apr. 10, 1916.
Filed May 16th 1914
 Recorded May 18th 1914
                         S.H. Wienges Clerk
                          By E. Weir DC

Transcribed by Karen McColl 18 October 2023
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