Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 407
cated copy of said will and the record of Probate being now
of record among the land records of Alachua County and State
of Florida) party of the first part, and Joe Murry, of Alachua
County and State of Florida, party of the second part. Witnesseth,
that in consideration of the sum of Eighty Dollars ($80.00) paid by
the said party of the second part to the said party of the first
part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first
part doth hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over
unto the said party of the second part, his heirs or assigns, all
those certain pieces or parcels of land situate and lying in Brush's
Addition to the City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, and de-
scribed as follows, that is to say: Lot Number Thirty (Lot No. 30)
and that part of Lot Number Thirty-one lying to the west of the
right-of-way of the Tampa & Jacksonville Railroad (Lot 31 W. of
R.R.) in Block Number Twenty-five (Blk No.25) of said Brushs
Addition to the City of Gainesville, as shown on a plat of said
Block Number Twenty-five made by A.W. Taylor, Civil Engineer,
in the year 1905, and of record in said Alachua County, in Plat
Book "A" page 88. Being part of the grant of land known as the
"Arredondo Grant," which by decree of the Circuit Court of St.
John's County, in said State of Florida, in the case of Brush and
others against Prall and others, dated August 11th, 1849, and du-
ly recorded in said Alachua County, was adjudged and set over
unto the heirs-at-law and devisees of Nehemiah Brush, deceased,
the title to which land vested in the said Julia A. Van Ness
at the time of her death as one of the heirs-at-law and devisees
of Nehemiah Brush, deceased, and the only heir-at-law of Charles
W. Brush, deceased. Together with all and singular the estate,
right, title, interest, claim and demand which the party hereto
of the first part has in and to the same. To Have And To
Hold the said described pieces or parcels of land, with the
appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said party of the
second part, his heirs and assigns forever.
In Testimony Whereof, the party of the first part has hereunto
subscribed his name and affixed his seal the day and year
first herein written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of
B.T. Webster           }  William P. Van Ness (Seal)
Milton F. Schwat       } Surviving Executor of the last Will and
District of Columbia }   Testament of Julia A. Van Ness, deceased.
City of Washington   }SS.
Transcribed by Karen McColl 27 October 2023
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