Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 93
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Deed Record 93 Page 060
that I am lawfully seized in fee of the property herein and here-
by conveyed, and that I have good and lawful right to sell
and convey the same; that the same is free from all incum-
brances of any kind Whatsoever, and that I will and my
heirs, executors, and administrators shall and will forever war-
rant and defend the same unto him the said W.I. Cellon
and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, a-
gainst the lawful claims and demands of any and all per-
sons whomsoever, now claiming, or hereunto to claim the
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affix-
ed my seal on this 5th day of November AD 1913.
Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence
of us as witnesses:   }
Evans Haile           }   David Edelstein (Seal)
A.W. Taylor           }
The State of Florida}
Alachua County      }
Before me personally appeared David Edelstein, Bachelor,
to me well known as the identical person described in
and who executed the foregoing Deed of Conveyance, who
acknowledged that he executed, signed, sealed and delivered
the said Deed of Conveyance for the uses and purposes there-
in contained and expressed.
Acknowledged and subscribed
before me this 5th day of Nov. 1913.
(Seal) Evans Haile                        }  David Edelstein
  Notary Public State of Florida at Large.}
My Commission expires Feby. 10th 1917.    }
Filed November 5th 1913       
 Recorded November 6th 1913
                                     S.H. Weinges Clerk
                                      By E. Weir DC

   W.W. Hampton Commissioner  }
         To                   }        Deed
   Fannie Jones               }
  State of Florida            }
  Alachua County.             } Whereas, Under, and pursuant
to an Order or Decree made and rendered by Honorable
Transcribed by Karen McColl 2 June 2023
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